Saturday, October 16, 2010

Oh, the Drama! :)

It's official. I have a "big girl".

Today, October 16, 2010, Emma lost her first tooth!

If I said it was a simple ordeal, I would TOTALLY be lying...nothing is simple for Emma! She's my drama queen...

Her tooth has been loose for a few weeks now. She's been playing and playing with it, and the adult tooth is also coming through behind it. Finally, this morning when I got home (I was volunteering at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk), the ROOT of the darn tooth was visible from the I told Emma we needed to just pull it out. She wanted NOTHING to do with it! :) I finally gave up, but I was more worried about it really hurting her when she ate or her bumping her chin or something. Finally, while drinking strawberry milk. the cup got caught on the tooth and pulled it right out! It didn't hurt, she didn't cry, there was no bleeding or even any drama about I guess I was wrong and should have just let her go all along! :) Ah well...the rest of the day she was telling everyone "I was just drinking my strawberry milk, the cup got stuck on my tooth, and it just popped out! I took a risk and it just popped out!" LOL Whatever....she's excited and looks so cute with a missing tooth!!

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