Friday, April 27, 2012

Little Dude

For Valentine's Day, Aunt Lynne gave Bradlee a Chipmunks baseball hat. Bradlee LOVES it! Last week, he decided that the proper way to wear it was he walked around the house with it on backwards. The problem was that when he would bump it on anything, it would turn just a bit, so then it was cockeyed! Tony and I decided we have lived in Flint long enough! :)

We were making dinner on the grill, and Tony asked Bradlee to come test the veggies to see if they were done. He went out and tried EVERY SINGLE KIND!! Red peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, orange peppers, summer squash, zucchini! Amazing! He's such a picky eater, we really have a hard time getting him to try new things... I watched him and Tony through the kitchen window and had to take the picture then! :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

We Made It!

Well, it's been an incredibly long week!! Last Saturday, our friends, Matt & Desiree (Bradlee's Godparents) hosting their annual Egg Hunt and Pancake Dinner. The kids had a great time searching for the eggs in the backyard and see what treasures were inside! Of course, the pancakes were a hit, too!!

Sunday night, Emma had a sleepover with Aunt Karyn. Monday morning, Tony and I were up bright and early and took Bradlee into the hospital to have his tonsils and adenoids removed.

It went so smoothly, and the doctor finished about 30 minutes ahead of schedule. He cried quite a bit when he woke, but was soon eating bits of a Popsicle and drinking cold water. We were released to go home and he and I cuddled in bed, watching TV and he enjoyed another Popsicle (the WHOLE one, this time!).

I went into work on Tuesday as usual (Tony and the kids were on Spring Break). When I got home, Bradlee had a fever and was having a hard time swallowing anything. We cuddled him and basically just doted on him to get him to eat anything, and especially drink. Emma left with Aunt Lynne to go on a special trip. We knew Bradlee would be getting a lot of attention, so Lynne volunteered to take Emma over to the Air Zoo in Portage and to the Magic Museum on the way home!

Well, unfortunately for Bradlee, things did not improve and Tony ended up taking him into the ER early Wednesday morning. They were there about 7 hours, getting home around 8am, which I had already called into work. I took over taking care of Bradlee so Tony could sleep a bit. He was treated for dehydration...he was doing much better, and although he still had a bit of a fever, he was also doing a bit better eating (drinking). He and I concocted a "secret" way to take his medicine by mixing it with a tiny bit of apple juice to cut down on the stinging on his throat. It has worked perfectly. He's getting better and better each day and today he finally seemed to have a appetite...and the throat to swallow it with! :)

While Bradlee stayed at Tony's parents house, I had my gall bladder removed (a "laparoscopic cholecystectomy"!) on Thursday morning. It went very smoothly and Tony and I were home around 3pm. I had some pretty bad reactions to the anesthetic, as I couldn't keep anything down for the next 24-36 hours or I had a pretty good headache/migraine. Once I was able to get rid of the headache, I was able to eat and keep everything down. I even ate a little bit of Easter dinner! I am feeling much better today and have been experimenting with different foods, as I am to be on a low-to-no-fat diet for several weeks while my body adjusts to my gall bladder not being there. So far, so good! My mom even brought home some of my stones that were causing all the problems! Apparently, there were a lot more than the surgeon expected...

I'm glad this week is over, yet I am also glad we chose this week to do it. While Tony didn't have much of a Spring Break, he's, uh, comforted to know that summer break is here in less than 60 calendar days! :)

Thank you for all your prayers. Please keep them coming for a speedy full recovery for both Bradlee and myself!!