Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's getting closer...

My sister, Kat, is getting married October 15th....less than 2 months away!!!!! We're really getting excited for her, and we had the shower for her and Garrett this past Saturday! I think we did a pretty good job, considering one bridesmaid lives in Mt. Pleasant, one lives in Homer, and the other two live in Flint...plus the bride lives in Clinton Township!!! We met once to put everything together and relied on texting, Facebook and phone calls to make it all happen. It was excellent, and I really think everyone had a nice time!

We had the shower at our old elementary school...in the social hall (also our church, St. John Vianney). It was a big hall, and we were only expecting less than 30 people, so we used the pillars in the hall to our advantage and made it cozy looking...

Carrie, the Matron of Honor, was in charge of the cake...there was a new little bakery in her hometown (she's the one from Homer), and they did an excellent job on this carrot cake! Cutting it was another story...

Emma was so excited to go to a "wedding party"! I bought her a new dress to wear, since she's grown so much the past few months! Look how old she looks?!!?!?!??!!?

When everyone was dressed and ready to start the party...naturally, we all had to pose for some pictures!! Here is the "women's side" of the bridal party!!! (L to R: Tarah, Kristy, Kat, Karyn, Carrie)

Here are the "Kozloff Women" :) (L to R: Emma, Kristy, Kat, Karyn, Mom)

Of course, there had to be a "sisters" picture!!

Emma wanted her own picture with Aunt Kat, so she got one...in front of one of the pom poms she helped put together!!! (it's now hanging in her bedroom!)

We played one game...and it was a blast! We had everyone write down a "Newlywed Game"-type question....we read them out loud to Kat and Garrett, who had dry erase boards, and had to write down their answer...if they were wrong, they had to put on an item from their opposing team! (Kat went to CMU, Garrett went to WMU!) Garrett started it off right with having to wear a CMU hat!! I personally think it looks pretty good on him! :)

Of course, there were some questions that Garrett had NO idea...like, "What was the name of Kat's favorite elementary school teacher?"....here's his answer:

In the end, they were both EXCELLENT sports and even posed for this picture! Garrett definitely had more CMU gear on that Kat had WMU...he even *got* to sit in a CMU chair!! :)

So, like I said, it was a great party to celebrate Kat and Garrett...we're so excited for the BIG DAY! :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

All About the Birthday Boy...

I am the mother of a 6.5 and a 3 year old....how the heck did that happen?! :)

Bradlee turned 3 on July 29th. What a day it was! He got a phone call from Winnie the Pooh that morning, wishing him a Happy Birthday...and many other phone calls throughout the day. We went to Red Robin (his choice!) for dinner and he loved having the workers sing to him! I think he loved his ice cream sundae even more...

In order for Bradlee to attend preschool in the fall, he has to be potty trained. We have known this for a while, and also known it was going to be a challenge with him, since he's so stubborn! :) When we were in Disney, he would ask to go potty and would go when we'd take him. I don't even know the last time I had to change a poopy diaper! That's how good he's been doing! So, we made a rule, when we got back from Disney, that Diapers are only for night time...and he wore pull-ups during the day. They were still wet, but he would still ask to go potty.

He kept telling us that when he turned 3, he would wear big boy underpants...so on his birthday, he wore them all day until I got home with no accidents! We'd put a pull-up on when we would go out. He's been wearing the underpants a little bit each day...and then on Monday, he wore them in the car! We just went to my parents' house a few blocks away, but it was a step in the right direction! He wore them the whole time we were at my parents' and then I took him to Barnes and Noble to get his birthday cookie. Then all the way back home, and no accidents!! He had one accident yesterday when we were in the car, but he had just woken up from a nap while I was putting him in the car, and instead of taking him back into the house to put him on the potty, I just put him in the car and left...my fault. Other than that...NO ACCIDENTS! :) This evening, Tony had the opportunity to teach him how to use a urinal! LOL He (Tony) said it was easy and he did a great job!

We went to Lake Orion last night to have dinner with my grandparents and my aunt, in town from Connecticut. Papa was the only one to get dessert, so naturally, he and Bradlee were buds!!! :)

This afternoon, I took Bradlee to the doctor's for his 3 year check-up/back-to-school physical. He's 31.7 pounds and 37 inches tall! What a big boy!! Dr. Banerjee froze a little wart on his hand and sent him home with approval to go to school in the fall! He's doing well! :) I'm so proud of my little big boy! :)