Monday, October 18, 2010

Cute just doesn't cut it...

Bradlee is the light of my life. Emma is too, of course, but right now, I am totally in LOVE with my little boy! I cried when I found out I was having a boy...I have been surrounded by girls my entire life, I had no idea what to do with a boy!!! Honestly, I was terrified.

This little boy of mine has completely changed my mind about boys...he's cute, adorable, sweet, rough, and just plain awesome...all at the same time!

Emma was at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon, so Lynne and I took Bradlee with us to Great Lakes Crossings in Auburn Hills to do some shopping. We let him play a bit on the "playground" in the mall - and he loved just sitting on this little mushroom head!! It was directly in front of where we were sitting so he would go play (the playground is filled with soft "food" objects, like watermelon, hot dog, corn on the cob, cupcake, a tipped over drink, mushrooms, etc.) and run around like a crazy monster, then come over to us, sit on the mushroom and grin at me like this!!

We went to a coney island in the mall for dinner. Bradlee ordered a hot dog and french fires, his favorite! He didn't finish in time for us to leave to pick Emma up, so we got a little to-go box and took the rest with us. We had worn him out so much, he was trying so hard to eat in the car, but was so tired...just so cute! He was still holding part of a french fry when he fell asleep in his seat! The two stuffed animals next to him in the seat are his and Emma's new friends..."Perry the Platypus" is from "Phineas and Ferb" (on Disney Channel, I HIGHLY recommend it!) and the little alien is from "Toy Story" and one of Emma's favorite characters!

I had a great time spending some one-on-one time with Bradlee...he's such a sweet little boy! I'm hooked! :)

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