Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's been a busy weekend!

What a weekend! It was filled with so many life-changing events!

On Friday, we got a call from a guy at a dealership we've been working with that they had finally found a car for us! We had decided to take advantage of an offer from the dealership we purchased our Cobalt from and traded in our 2006 model for a 2010 model! Thanks to our friend, Deb, we were also able to get the "Family and Friends" discount!! It was a great deal and we are so happy with our new RED car! :) I'll post pictures soon...

Saturday morning we got the kids up early, put them in the car, and we drove to Toledo! Our trip was two-fold...Tony was hired to DJ a wedding reception at the Zoo Saturday night, so we decided to make it a family weekend vacation! We got a hotel room and visited the Zoo on Saturday when we got there...then my friend, and Emma's godmother, Sara, came to visit with us while Tony DJ-ed. The kids loved sharing a bed and staying in the hotel! We liked the Zoo so much, we went back on Sunday! Then we ate at Tony Packo's for lunch (apparently it's a big deal to M*A*S*H fans!) and headed home! Here are some pictures from our Toledo Trip! :)

This picture just makes me laugh the more I look at it. This not-so-little guy was swimming around in the aquarium. Emma thought he was fascinating and sat up on the ledge right next to the glass. We were waiting for him to swim around the tank again so we could get a picture of him next to Emma...and just as he was coming around, Emma turned around and was face-to-face with this thing! She SCREAMED and jumped off the ledge and buried her head into my leg! I couldn't help but laugh...although looking at him, I'm sure you'd scream, too! :)

When we got home on Sunday, we had a little bit of energy, so Tony and I took down Bradlee's crib and put up the toddler's the same one Emma used and the bedding is even the same, too! Good thing both of my kids like Mickey Mouse! I just can't believe we don't have a crib in our house anymore! :)

Tuesday, of course, was the first day of school! Tony and Bradlee left early to get to school, and I took the day off to take Emma. Bradlee is in the same "class" as last year, which is basically a daycare. They do circle time, play outside, go for walks, color, sing, dance and all kinds of other things, and he just loves it! Here are my boys on their first day of school!

Emma entered Kindergarten (!) this year, and the first day for her consisted of a "Meet the Teacher" hour in the morning. I took the day off of work to take her and spend some time with her, too! I just cannot believe she's in Kindergarten already! She had a great time at the meet the teacher and today when I picked her up, she was ALL smiles...when I asked her how Kindergarten was, she responded with, "Mom, Kindergarten ROCKS!" LOL It's going to be a great year! :)

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