Thursday, August 12, 2010

Glitter Pens and Belly Buttons!

Both of my kids, I have decided, love to be in the spotlight. I think they get it from their dad! LOL

Emma found some glitter pens in one of the drawers at Tony's parents' naturally she not only had to open them and use them right away, but we had an array of glitter-goo pictures within a half hour! Here she is POSING :) with her newly-found glitter pens!

Bradlee loves to have his picture taken, too...the only problem, is that I rarely get a picture of him looking AT the in point:
his new-found love is his belly button....or any one's belly button, for that matter...He'll be sitting or playing on his own one minute, and the next he's lying on the floor (or bed or couch, or even your lap!) showing you his belly button and trying to see yours! He also loves to have his tummy rubbed when he's "relaxing", so he'll pull his own shirt up and say, "rub tummy!". He sits so still and you can almost feel him fall into relaxation! :)

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