Friday, October 17, 2008


Well, we made it! Today's Friday and it's the final day of Spirit Week...there will be one more post with pictures from the parade and game tonight!!

FRIDAY for Tony and Bradlee was "Class Colors Day"...since neither Tony nor Bradlee have a "class color", they just wear anything here you go!

FRIDAY for Emma was the long-awaited "Pajama Day"!! Let me tell you, Emma has been waiting for this day for about 3 weeks now!! Special thanks to Aunt Lolo for the jammies...I think she wore them for last year's pajama day, too!! She just loves 'em!!

Stay tuned for the final event pictures from this evening!!!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I LOVE your spirit day posts!! How fun! Your kids are ADORABLE!!!! I love the pic of Bradlee in the sunglasses, and Emma is so grown up! :-) Hope you're doing well!