Thursday, May 6, 2010

Exciting week!!

Some exciting things have happened this week! First, on Saturday, May 1st, Michigan became SMOKE FREE! HOORAY! Words cannot express how excited I am about this. Not only as an asthmatic, but just a human being! LOL Knowing that my kids will not have to walk through a smoking section in a restaurant to go to the bathroom makes it that much better!!! At our Relay for Life meeting on Tuesday, we had the opportunity to get some of these very awesome stickers:

Yesterday, Wednesday, I took Emma to see Dr. Chris for her post-op appointment. She was quite entertaining at the office, just talking up a storm and being Emma. Here she is coloring some "Hello Kitty" pictures one of the nurses gave her...she ended up coloring one for Dr. Chris!

When Dr. Chris came in, I filled him in on how awesome Emma's been doing. How I haven't noticed either of her eyes crossing, how she hasn't been wearing her glasses since Saturday, and how she seems to close her right eye when she's concentrating on looking at something, but (in my opinion), it's more out of habit than anything... He listened and agreed on everything. After doing a quick exam on her, he confirmed what we had been hoping and praying looks like the surgery was successful! He couldn't get her eyes to cross and her vision is still excellent in both eyes! HOORAY!!! We asked about going to ganaxis, and that was okayed (I was concerned about the chalk and dust irritating the healing of the eyes, he said it's no problem!) she just can't swim for another week (at least) and then she's good to go! I also found out exactly what he did in the surgery: there's the eye ball, and over the eye ball is a protective sheath. He cut a slit in the sheath on the inside of the iris (colored part of the eye) and pulled the sheath back, which revealed the medial (middle) rectus muscle. He sutured the muscle, cut it to loosen it, then sutured it in place. Finally, he replaced the sheath, which is self-healing. He did this to both eyes, which is why the insides of her eyes are still pretty red. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I am in awe.
Here's Emma giving her "two thumbs up" from Dr. Chris!!!

We went straight to ganaxis from the appointment, and Emma did great (of course!)!! I'm sure she's just happy to be getting back to normal. Mr. Tim (her coach) said, "Emma! Where are your glasses?!" Emma replied, "I don't have to wear them anymore. Dr. Chris said so!" What a great kid!

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