Friday, July 20, 2012

Summer Fun with Strings!

For the last two weeks, Emma has been participating in a camp at the Flint School of Performing Arts. The camp was called "Summer Fun with Strings" and is about as old as me! In fact, I remember helping with registration and such when I worked at the FSPA in high school! ;)

Last Monday, the first day, Emma went to camp and tried each of the stringed instruments: violin, viola, cello and bass. After trying each of them, she decided on the viola. I have to admit, though, that I sort of put the idea in her head ahead of time...but she knew she could pick whatever she wanted!

Last Friday, before going up north, I was able to pick Emma up from camp. She took out her viola and played "Mary Had a Little Lamb" for me! After only 5 days! Needless to say, I was impressed and very proud!

Today was the last day of camp...they had a little recital for the different age groups/classes to perform what they've learned. Knowing that these kids have never touched an instrument before 10 days ago, and seeing them play songs today...WOW. :)

My great grandfather played violin in Russia....I play clarinet...maybe Emma will continue in our footsteps??? My only hope is that she at least has an appreciation for music! I think we've got that covered!

1 comment:

Kate said...

What a wonderful experience for Emma.