Thursday, March 3, 2011

What a week...

If I said I've had a good week, I'd be lying...

It actually started last week at work...I won't go into specifics, but let's just say there are some things going on (not with me) that are so incredibly frustrating and has still not been corrected. We will find out tomorrow what's been fixed in the last week! Pray HARD!

Emma woke up on Tuesday with a 101 temp. Great. Took her to the doctor, diagnosed with a virus. So Tylenol and Motrin regiment for the rest of the day and night and was doing okay...

Bradlee was doing great. He had pajama day at school (perfect for him!), and got to wear his "mooooooose jammies" all day long!!

Wednesday, her temp peaked at 103.9, and an hour and a half after having Tylenol, it was still at back to the doctor we went. This time she had puss on her tonsils, and was diagnosed with strep throat. Nice....She's now been on antibiotic for 24 hours and is doing fabulous!!!

Her and Bradlee decided to perform for me...they are using McDonald's Happy Meal toys as their instruments/microphones...

Then she decided that she wanted to be a snowman...complete with sticks in the mittens for the gloves!!

Do you want to know what's even more frustrating than having a sick daughter and problems at work??? Having a daughter with an incredibly loose tooth who refuses to pull it out...or let anyone else pull it out for her!!! Look at this:

Can you even believe it? I don't even know what that tooth is holding on to!!! Ugh....seriously. I am at my wit's end with this's driving me CRAZY! I thought about pulling it out when she was sleeping, but thought that was a little too mean. I tried telling her that if she swallowed it, she'd have to go through her poop to find luck! :) *sigh* I guess it will come out sooner or later!

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