Sunday, August 17, 2008

Weekly Update

Well, it's been a fairly uneventful week, thankfully!! I had Emma at home with Bradlee by myself for a few days (Tony has been going back to school to get things ready for the fall)...and I must say, things went pretty good! Emma is so helpful and wants to be right in there, except in diaper changing (can you blame her?!)!! She and I have even come up with our own system of her helping, in that I can tell her what I need from anywhere in the house (even if I'm in the basement and what I need is on the 2nd floor!) and she goes and gets it if I'm unable to....Bradlee and I "cheer" her on like in her Mickey Mouse movie..."Go Emma, Go!" She loves it and I really think it makes her feel involved. It makes me feel old....seeing her be so grown up!!

Emma is still in her "ganaxis" (gymnastics) classes for one more week in the summer session, then we go to the fall session. She's really good at it and really seems to enjoy it. We made sure we showed her the gymnastics on TV at the Olympics...her and Daddy cheered all the USA teams on (Daddy taught her the "U.S.A! U.S.A!" cheer! For a while it was "U.S.O", but we got it right now! She's been a little out of sorts the last few days, though, as she's gotten a small cold...but she's starting to feel better, and act better!!

Bradlee is doing SO well! He's getting so big and is such a good baby...he has been sleeping about 3-hour clips at night, making Tony and me get up only 2-3 times during the night to change and feed him. It's so amazing to look at him...he's so cute and definitely looks like a boy...Tony says he's got the "Coggins hair-line"!! LOL

Although we've said we're about 98% sure we're done having kids, I was in Babies R Us today and there were 3 pregnant women in line ahead of me and I was looking at them thinking, "Man, I loved being pregnant!" LOL If I could skip the 4 months of morning sickness, that 98% would probably be somewhere around a 60%...HA! Actually, Tony and I have both said that we would rather have 2 kids and be able to adequately provide for them and do things like go on vacations and such than have more kids and really struggle's a hard thing to decide, and only God knows what the future holds...but if he's listening and is planning on us having more kids...I hope he's also planning on us winning the lottery!!!

I think that's all the updates for now...I have to go see my doctor again tomorrow for another blood pressure check....if it's fine, then she said she'll leave me alone for a few weeks!! If anyone is in the Flint area and wants to come visit us, just give me a call and let me know! We'll be there!! Have a GREAT week!!

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