Sunday we got up and went to church. One thing I have to say about my kids and church, is that they are awesome. Bradlee mostly just talks, but on Sunday I held him and we looked at books and colored and he was great. Emma usually just sits there and colors! I showed her the words and music for the last song, and she even sang along to a part of it!!
We got home from mass, put Bradlee (and Tony) down for a nap, then Emma and I had "rest time" in the basement. This usually consists of Emma playing quietly while we watch a movie...just so there's some quiet time in her day. This time, she wanted her "project stuff" out so she could make a birthday card for Uncle Garrett (Kat's fiance). She ended up making a card out of orange paper...because "carrots are orange and Garrett rhymes with carrot"!! LOL What a great kid. After the movie, Bradlee (and Tony) woke up and we packed up the car and headed over to my parents' house. What a great time we had!! Dad grilled while Karyn and Emma played...Bradlee ran around the house and outside and we were able to just sit and talk to my parents and some friends of theirs (who I've known since I was born!) was a nice time. After dinner, we got the water balloons out! The kids had a ball! I was the designated "dry" person...and Karyn had stated that she didn't want to participate and get wet...well....she took the hose and got Tony, so it all went downhill from there! Tony came up behind her and squeezed a balloon all over her back, so she chased him with the hose...then Emma went up to Karyn and squeezed a balloon on her back, too! We were laughing so hard outside...and Mom, Dad, Aunt Sue and Uncle Larry were laughing so hard inside the Florida Room! :) Bradlee LOVED the balloons, although I think he broke more all over himself from squeezing them than anything!

We had the power washer to return to Tony's parents, so we took that out to their house once the big water balloon fight ended. Emma was asleep after 10 minutes in the car!!
Today (Monday), we hung around home in the morning and until Bradlee had his nap and Emma had her quiet time. Tony had to go to the funeral home for a former classmate of his and once he was home and Bradlee woke up, we packed up the car again and headed down to Fenton. Two of my former classmates (Jen and I went to school from about 4th grade through 12th, Scott and I went to school in high school) recently moved to the area and were having a BBQ! They live on a lake and have 3 kids. Brendan is 6, Megan is 4 and Erin is 1. What a great time, there, too!! Some other classmates came by also...we figured it had been about 12 years since we had seen each other! The kids played so well together and we had a TON of laughs watching them, and each other! Emma had never swam in a lake before and was really looking forward to can almost see her thinking "Okay....pool? or lake? pool? or lake?"
She got used to it real quick and soon was jumping around and playing with Brendan and Megan like she's done it all her life. At one point, she yelled up to me, "Mama! LOOK!!! I don't even have my floaties on!!!" She was quite proud of herself...the water only went up to about her waist at the highest point, which was good. It was a good confidence booster!
I wouldn't let Bradlee go in the lake, since I didn't have a change of clothes for me, but he had a great time just running around on the grass. Scott and Jen had their iPod going, and I caught Bradlee standing by it dancing "Alone" by Heart! :) Gotta say, kid's got taste!
We stayed until about 5:45pm and then headed home so we could get the kids baths and into bed...only 9 more days of school! Then I will officially have a Kindergartner!!! AMAZING! Happy 4-Day Work Week!! :)
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