I am now going to write about why Bradlee should not get bacterial ear infections, so be prepared...
Normal ears (i.e., without tubes) have a "closed" eardrum, which means nothing drains out, nothing gets in. When there is drainage behind the ear drum, there is the chance and probability of it becoming infected, since there is no where for the drainage to go. This is what most kids get when they are little and is very painful, can cause bulging and burst eardrums, etc. This also requires an antibiotic to clear up, since ear drops wouldn't get to the infection (because, as I said before, the ear drum is solid).
Now, when tubes are inserted, a small incision is made in the ear drum and a plastic tub is placed in that incision. Therefore, there is an escape route for any drainage to the outside. This is why Bradlee sometimes has a lot of orange-ish/yellow wax "dripping" from his ears (it's more of build up, not actual dripping!). This is also why he sometimes pulls at his ears, since it's draining (like it's supposed to), it tickles (like when your nose drips and you can't get a tissue fast enough!!).
The time to be concerned is when he:
1. Has a fever
2. Has a greenish drainage in his ears
This is when I am to call the ENT doctor and tell them, and they will prescribe an ear drop to use for 3-4 days to clear up the build-up that is in his ears and around the tubes.
It is entirely possible that he could have an ear infection without drainage being present, but that would mean it is viral, and can't be cured with antibiotics...we just have to wait it out.
So, Bradlee's "ear infection" is not an ear infection, so no more antibiotics...
He's got 4 teeth coming in, so it's most likely that or the darn allergies/cold that everyone seems to be suffering from with this wonderful Michigan weather!!
So there's your medical lesson for today...hope you learned something! :)
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