Emma has been doing awesome with her eyes! She's had no problems, except for a little "sleep" in them in the mornings. The right eye is almost completely back to "white", while the left is still a little red. She's doing so well! I was talking to her teacher, Mrs. Walters, today about it and she (Mrs. Walters) said she has noticed a huge difference in watching Emma look at the board, books, and basically everything in general! Mrs. Walters said that she had asked Emma if she wanted to tell the class about her surgery. Of course, Emma jumped at that! I guess she was able to sit in the "Story Chair" (a big rocking chair that the reader-of-books/story-teller sits in!) and told her class about the mask she had to put on to help her sleep, her cool night gown from the hospital, how they cut the muscles on the side of her eyes, and especially how she got 2 Popsicles when she was done! I think this is something she will remember for a long time, and will hopefully make any future surgeries that may come up that much easier!!
Saturday morning, I heard Emma get out of bed and come into our room, a common occurrence on the weekend! She came over to my side of the bed and then stopped, turned around and went over to Tony's side. I heard her whisper, "Daddy, wake up." Tony responded. Then Emma said, "We have to get up and go make breakfast for Mommy in bed!" Tony said, "Oh, Sweetie, Mother's Day is tomorrow!" Emma said, after a pause, "Oh." Back to my side of the bed, "Mama, can I watch a movie?!" LOL What a funny kid!

Sunday, Mother's Day, was a great day! The kids and Tony made breakfast for me (cinnamon rolls) and then, of course, the kids had to enjoy it with me! Notice how they get the tray! :) We got ready and went to church for a nice surprise of Uncle Paul saying mass! We drove up to Frankenmuth for brunch with my parents, Kat & Garrett, Snookie & Papa (my grandparents) and Tony's parents and sister. We had a wonderful time, and good food!
Bradlee's got about 4 teeth (all incisors) coming in, so he's had a pretty good stuffy nose this week, which has kept him out of school all week. Yesterday (Tuesday), he really started producing a "bark-type" cough and green snot and watery eyes...great. So to the doctor he went, and was diagnosed with one and a half ear infections! One ear was definitely infected, the other was close...so he's now on an antibiotic. We go see Dr. Ahmad (the ENT) tomorrow for his check-up, so it will be a good way to see what's going on!! I was under the impression that the tubes he had put in back in October were supposed to prevent the ear infections (not that he's had a lot, but still!)...we will see what he says.
I don't remember if I've mentioned it, but I took a coupon class back in April...and WOW, I've saved a ton of money! Today was one of the better days, even though I didn't buy that much! At one Kroger, I purchased a bag of Cheetos and 3 bags of Werther's Originals and paid a total of $0.57!! Then I went to another Kroger (I don't usually go to multiples, but I was over by another one when I stopped at another store!) and got 2 cans of shaving cream, an Oral B toothbrush, and a Cover Girl nail polish and the store OWED me $0.57!! They are not allowed to give change when coupons are used, so I had to forfeit the $0.57, but still! What a deal! I also went to VG's (a Spartan Store) and purchased 3 bottles of Resolve Spray & Wash, 4 6-packs of Dannon's Dann-o-nino's yogurt for the kids, a Cover Girl eyeliner and 3 boxes of Tornados (frozen tostadas) and only paid $11.07!! We are so excited about all these savings! Our pantry is PACKED (especially with Mac & Cheese...if you want to know about that deal, just let me know!) and our freezer is getting there! :) Our goal is to have the freezer packed by the end of the summer! I'll keep you posted on how we're doing!
Only 4 weeks of school left and those weeks are packed with all kinds of activities! This Saturday, Emma and Bradlee both will be participating in the Crim Kids Classic...it's a small festival held in the Cultural Center (by our house, actually....over by the Flint Institute of Music and Whiting). There are free activities, discounted activities at the area buildings (Sloan Museum and Planetarium) and there are also races! Bradlee will be participating in the "Diaper Dash", which is about 20 yards, and Emma will be in the 1/4 mile run! She's asked her Boppa (my dad) to run with her, so I'll get to watch her and take pictures! Stay tuned for both of my littler runners! :)