Thursday, December 23, 2010
"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Tis-mas!"

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Where has the time gone?!
Today, Emma took Jell-o jigglers to school for her party in class. Then we went to Red Robin for dinner, just like we did the day before she was born 6 six years ago!!! Before we left, I made sure to get a picture of the birthday girl...and her "I don't understand why it's not my birthday" brother! :)
Happy Birthday, Emma! I love you!
Friday, December 3, 2010
My mom rode with the kids and me, and on our way, we passed a little Zoo outside of Frankenmuth. There, we saw a man with a reindeer! So, we hopped out and went and got a picture taken with one of Santa's reindeer!! Emma asked the man if it could really fly and he responded, "Only on Christmas Eve!" :)
Each year, we have a "tacky ornament" contest...this year, Emma even got into it!! When I tried explaining what "tacky" meant, I just said that it was ugly and not very pretty...she immediately said we should try to find a "Go Blue" (U of M) ornament! :) LOL That's my girl!!! The winning ornament was found by my mom...a "lovely" metallic donkey...complete with shoes! :)
Once again, I can always count on Aunt Kat and Uncle Garrett to wear out at LEAST one of my kids whenever we're together! This time, it was both of them...Bradlee just had a place to actually fall asleep!!!
We had a wonderful time together...it's a wonderful tradition we have! This year was the 31st annual trip and I think I've made 30 of them (I missed last year!)!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
It's been a while...
Last Sunday, we went to visit my grandparents, Snookie and Papa. We hadn't seen them in a while, so we had a day free and decided to make the best of it! Boy did we ever! The kids were on their most excellent behavior and we had a wonderful lunch with Snookie and Papa, as well as Kat and Garrett, who also joined us! After lunch, Kat, Garrett, Emma and Bradlee played hide-and-seek, of course.....Snookie and Papa both took some pictures while we were there, and I hope to get some copies, which I will post, 'cause I think they are going to be good ones! One thing's for sure, I can always count on Aunt Kat and Uncle Garrett to wear at least ONE of the kids out for the ride home!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Concert season!
Anyway, this is one of our first concerts that begin a pretty crazy season! We performed at a senior living center in Frankenmuth and it was a great performance!! Tony has also become involved with the group and is the announcer for us!! At the beginning of our 2009-2010 season, Emma requested we play "Peter and the
Wolf". I mentioned it to our conductor, Roy, and FINALLY this
year, it was on our play list! Tony did the commentating for it and Emma even came to the rehearsal to hear how it was going to go! She gave Roy two thumbs up and was so excited for the concert! On Sunday we performed it, and Emma made Roy a GIANT picture of Peter, the wolf (who had already eaten the duck, so there were only feathers!), the cat and the bird on a tree!! It was
so great, Roy not only showed the entire wind ensemble, but also the audience before we played the piece! Emma just sat next to Gramma and raised her hand so everyone could see who made the beautiful picture!!! I was so proud! :) The concert went really well...and now we start working on CHRISTMAS music for our Christmas concerts we have next month! There's nothing worse than having "Sleigh Ride" in your head in the beginning of November! :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Bradlee Update!
You're probably thinking...."You crazy mother! He was diagnosed with an ear infection! Give him the antibiotic!" Well...here's the reasoning behind my madness...
Today, Thursday, we had an appointment with the ENT for a check-up on his ears/tubes! When he's had an "ear infection" in the past year (since he's had the tubes), we've gotten ear drops from the ENT to clear it up....
So we went to the ENT and I told them what the pediatrician had said, and that there was a prescription waiting if we needed it...the ENT looked in the right ear and saw "the most beautiful tube in the world!"!! When he looked in the left ear (the one the pediatrician said was infected), he found no tube, but a "beautifully pink ear drum"....i.e., NO INFECTION! So...how can one doctor see and infection and one doctor say it's clear?! I don't get it. The ENT did give us a prescription for a nasal spray, so that should hopefully help the stuffiness!!!
We went to get the nasal spray and Bradlee actually ASKED for it! So I sat him on my lap and squirted the nasal spray in his nose, he "sniffed" and then got down to go play! AWESOME! I'm even more glad we only have to give it to him once a day!! :)
So, ears look good...nose, not so much...but hopefully we'll see some improvements soon!!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
We carved pumpkins on Thursday night. Bradlee wanted nothing to do with it...Emma did a great job! I ended up carving Bradlee's for him...with the Mickey head! He loved it! Emma made a face (complete with cheeks) on hers, and Tony did a free-hand star!
On Sunday, we went to the "trunk-or-treat" at church! Emma and her friend, Evelyn, had a great time walking and running around! Evelyn's sister, Isla, is our "future daughter-in-law"! LOL She's adorable and Bradlee just loves her!
After the trunk-or-treat, we headed over to Tony's parents house to trick-or-treat in Flushing, which kept theirs on Halloween. We only went to a few houses, and the kids were WORN OUT! Good thing, we definitely don't need all that candy in our house! We went with our friends, Matt and Desiree, and their kids. Here's Emma and "Batman" (Dorian)!! :)
All-in-all, it was a nice Halloween. I'm glad it's over, though...here are my "Ariel" ("as a mermaid, NOT a human!) and my "Cozy Cow" (or as he says, "Tozy Tow"!) :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Handsome and Beautiful...still

Monday, October 18, 2010
Cute just doesn't cut it...
This little boy of mine has completely changed my mind about boys...he's cute, adorable, sweet, rough, and just plain awesome...all at the same time!

Emma was at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon, so Lynne and I took Bradlee with us to Great Lakes Crossings in Auburn Hills to do some shopping. We let him play a bit on the "playground" in the mall - and he loved just sitting on this little mushroom head!! It was directly in front of where we were sitting so he would go play (the playground is filled with soft "food" objects, like watermelon, hot dog, corn on the cob, cupcake, a tipped over drink, mushrooms, etc.) and run around like a crazy monster, then come over to us, sit on the mushroom and grin at me like this!!
We went to a coney island in the mall for dinner. Bradlee ordered a hot dog and french fires, his favorite! He didn't finish in time for us to leave to pick Emma up, so we got a little to-go box and took the rest with us. We

I had a great time spending some one-on-one time with Bradlee...he's such a sweet little boy! I'm hooked! :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Oh, the Drama! :)

Today, October 16, 2010, Emma lost her first tooth!
If I said it was a simple ordeal, I would TOTALLY be lying...nothing is simple for Emma! She's my drama queen...
Her tooth has been loose for a few weeks now. She's been playing and playing with it, and the adult tooth is also coming through behind it. Finally, this morning when I got home (I was volunteering at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk), the ROOT of the darn tooth was visible from the front...so I told Emma we needed to just pull it out. She wanted NOTHING to do with it! :) I finally gave up, but I was more worried about it really hurting her when she ate or her bumping her chin or something. Finally, while drinking strawberry milk. the cup got caught on the tooth and pulled it right out! It didn't hurt, she didn't cry, there was no bleeding or even any drama about it...so I guess I was wrong and should have just let her go all along! :) Ah well...the rest of the day she was telling everyone "I was just drinking my strawberry milk, the cup got stuck on my tooth, and it just popped out! I took a risk and it just popped out!" LOL Whatever....she's excited and looks so cute with a missing tooth!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
When it rains, it pours...at least we have clean gutters!
As the title of this entry says, we had our gutters cleaned out! They said the back one was just cluttered, but the front one was "really bad" and was so clogged it had standing water! Yikes! So, here is a picture of our newly cleaned gutters! (And before you ask, I did not take these pictures. The reason we had to hire someone to clean the gutters is because Tony wouldn't let me on a ladder to clean them out myself!)