Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bradlee Update!

About a week and a half ago, Bradlee started a stuffy, drippy, this wonderful Michigan weather hasn't helped, but a week and a half?! Seriously?! Anyways, yesterday (Wednesday), Tony got a call from the daycare about 11am and was told Bradlee had a fever. Tony was able to leave school and pick him up, and took him directly to the doctor! Normally I wouldn't do this...I would wait it out and see how he does, but the face the nose has been drippy for the last week and a half had me thinking sinus infection (especially since I'm just finishing up an antibiotic for the same thing!). Well, the pediatrician said he has a really good cold...that's the cause of the stuffiness...but the stuffiness is causing all the drainage and stuff, which caused an ear infection in his left ear, which, as it comes to find, has lost its tube! He prescribed an antibiotic, which we did not give him...

You're probably thinking...."You crazy mother! He was diagnosed with an ear infection! Give him the antibiotic!"'s the reasoning behind my madness...

Today, Thursday, we had an appointment with the ENT for a check-up on his ears/tubes! When he's had an "ear infection" in the past year (since he's had the tubes), we've gotten ear drops from the ENT to clear it up....

So we went to the ENT and I told them what the pediatrician had said, and that there was a prescription waiting if we needed it...the ENT looked in the right ear and saw "the most beautiful tube in the world!"!! When he looked in the left ear (the one the pediatrician said was infected), he found no tube, but a "beautifully pink ear drum"....i.e., NO INFECTION! can one doctor see and infection and one doctor say it's clear?! I don't get it. The ENT did give us a prescription for a nasal spray, so that should hopefully help the stuffiness!!!

We went to get the nasal spray and Bradlee actually ASKED for it! So I sat him on my lap and squirted the nasal spray in his nose, he "sniffed" and then got down to go play! AWESOME! I'm even more glad we only have to give it to him once a day!! :)

So, ears look good...nose, not so much...but hopefully we'll see some improvements soon!!!

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