It's been a while since I've posted an update...and so many things have happened, I just don't seem to have the time or energy to write anything! : We had Emma's birthday party with her friends at her gymnastics was SO SO SO much fun! We are considering having Tony's 40th birthday party there next year! LOL
Back at the beginning of December, Santa was at the bank (my work)...and each year I've taken the kids! It's free, you get cookies and punch, and you can take as many pictures as you want! :) Emma hopped right up and started talking...Bradlee clung to me for dear life and pointed to the other side of the room saying, "I go over there..." He was terrified. Wouldn't wave, say hi, give a high-five, yell what he wanted for Christmas, nothing. Ever since then, he tells everyone that Santa is pretend. We finally convinced him that Santa was real...I think the shock of actually seeing a Santa really surprised him. Crazy. He's been talking about Santa ever since. He tells everyone that he wants "M&M's and suckers" for Christmas. EVERYONE. And, it hasn't changed since Thanksgiving! :) can guess how many M&M's and suckers he's going to be getting tomorrow night! LOL
When we were at the parade for Emma's Daisy Troop, we were in the first trailer of the parade. As we're pulling out of the parking lot to start the parade route, we pass by the Santa float, which ends the parade. All the Daisy's are waving and yelling, "Santa! Santa! Santa!!!!!!" Bradlee WHIPS around to see, and starts yelling with the most serious look on his face, "M&M's AND SUCKERS!!!! M&M'S AND SUCKERS!!!!!" Hilarious is an understatement. :):)
So Bradlee keeps telling us he wants to go see Santa, because Santa is real, and he wants to sit on his lap. So I figured we would take both kids to see Santa again at the mall, just to satisfy his curiosity! :) Emma, on the other hand, has been pretty good...although this week or so she's been rather grouchy, mouthy and not listening so well...the other night, I ended up taking her bedtime movie away from her because she was acting up...she BURST into tears and said, "Mama! I'm just so afraid I'm on the 'naughty list' now! I need to write a 'to-do' list so I can do things that will get me back on the 'nice list'"!!! WHAT?! :) So then I had to convince Emma that she was on the nice list, and that she would have to be pretty bad in order to be on the naughty list. HA!
We took the kids to see Santa tonight. The "elf" helper asked if we were going to be getting pictures, and our response was, "Maybe". I figured that if Bradlee got scared, I wouldn't get a picture of just Emma, or worse, Emma with Bradlee screaming! :) Well, Emma went up to talk to Santa first, then I took Bradlee up and put him on Santa's lap. He was a little hesitant at first, but I said, "Bradlee! Why don't you tell Santa what you want for Christmas?!" Well, that just did it...for the next 5 minutes that he sat on Santa's lap, all he said was "M&M's and suckers, Santa. M&M's and suckers!" LOL What a great experience! :) I asked Emma what she told Santa she wanted. Her response, "I forgot to tell him. I just wanted to make sure I was on the nice list!" :) LOL Here's the proof that we are a "Scared-of-Santa-FREE" family! :)

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