I don't remember if I mentioned this, but back in June, Emma auditioned for her first theatrical performance!! Flint Community Players is kicking off their season with "The King and I" and Emma auditioned to be one of the Children of Siam! :) Here she is, singing for the director...ALL. BY. HERSELF. :) She did awesome!!!
A week later we got a phone call that Emma made it in the show! She's been going to rehearsals 3-4 times a week since we got back from Disney and has really enjoyed it! She's learning her songs and her "choreography" and practices at home all the time...so much so, that Bradlee knows her parts, too!! Here she is in rehearsal:
One day, about two weeks ago, we told Emma to get her shoes and socks on (they have to wear shoes and socks to each rehearsal, no sandals!), these are the socks she put on...we just let it go! :)
So, unfortunately, this past week, both kids, guess what? Developed spots on their tummies...yep, you guessed it.... THE CHICKEN POX STRIKES AGAIN! This time, though, they are definitely chicken pox...and are now in the blistering and crusting phase. Stupid vaccine. I'm thinking, though, that since Bradlee hasn't had the booster for the chicken pox vaccine yet, that this will be it for him. Emma got the booster when she was 4 (I think), so I have no idea what her body's doing to her. Poor kids...they are all over the trunks of their bodies and the upper arms and upper legs...none on the face, head, hands or anywhere else, so it is definitely less than when I had them...but still...it sucks being quarantined when it's summer!! We had a nice family movie night tonight, though, so we're still trying to come up with a few fun things!!
Emma's big concern was the show. I told her that there is a chance the director won't let her be in the show, depending on how many rehearsal she misses. Her response was "But they already measured me for my costume!!!" *sigh* When we told the director about the chicken pox, he said we'll just take it as it comes and see what happens. "She's a smart one and learns quick, so I won't be too quick to count her out" (that's what he said!)!!! :) WHEW.
If you're interested in coming to a show, you can click on the link above for more information! The shows are in September...
In other news, I'm playing with the Saginaw Eddy Concert Band again this summer for the second half of their season. It's a pretty decent gig, rehearsing Tuesday and Thursday, then a concert Sunday night. I get a check each week I play, so that's nice, too! Plus I just get to play music! The kids and Tony love coming to the concerts...and this week we're playing "Selections from The King and I", so Emma's REALLY excited to come! We'll just have to make sure she sits far away from anyone else!!! :) Although I've been playing with this group for several years, this is the first year I've been considered a "regular" (instead of a "substitute") since I was at CMU! To solidify it, they gave me an *official* shirt to wear for concerts! :)

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