Emma is incredible. I've mentioned before how I thought her eyes were getting worse again: crossing, her closing one to read something, etc. Well, we went to the eye doctor yesterday (Monday) and low and behold, I was W-R-O-N-G. Emma has perfect vision. Yes, I mean, PERFECT vision. We're talking 20/20 vision. Incredible. She flew through the letter chart, then the nurse brought out the tiny little number chart and she read two lines at the bottom. Then Emma said, "Oh, I can read that last line." So she did. The nurse had to bring out a magnifying glass to see if she was right! :) Dr. Chris said her vision is great, and with her history and the surgery she had, he would totally expect her eyes to cross every now and then...especially when she's tired. The worst part was doing her eye drops...ugh. I don't even want to talk about it! :/ Anyways, he wants us to keep an eye on it (pun intended) and if it gets worse (like, when she's not tired), come back in. Otherwise, he'll see her again in 3 months!!

Tonight, I FINALLY took Bradlee to get his haircut. It had been probably 12 weeks since the last one...and man did he need it! He LOVES Chrystal and does so well on the booster seat int he chair while she cuts his hair! :) He even tells her how he wants it "pikey"! :) (That's "spikey" for us common-folk!). There was a ton of hair on the floor when we left, and a VERY handsome little boy holding my hand! :)
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