I have so many fond memories of my grandparents, now to be known as Snookie and Papa! Since they have only ever lived 45 minutes away, we've always been fortunate enough to be able to see them quite a bit! Some of my favorite memories include my sisters and me at their house during our summer vacations...my dad would drop us off on Monday, and we'd stay until Friday! Some years, our cousins, Amanda and Paige, would also join us! We would visit the Detroit Zoo, go shopping and go swimming at the neighbor's pool (there was one unfortunate time Paige jumped off the diving board and landed half in the water, half out and we had to leave early...and the several times Amanda, Karyn and Kat would play "Lifeguard" with rocks they would throw in the pool, then "rescue" them...) LOL :) Snookie and Papa had a HUGE basement with a ping pong table that we would play "tournaments" and even stage productions when we were older and would sing sing sing!! :) Great times!! Here's me, Amanda and Kat - circa 1985ish...and some shots from Tony's and my wedding!

I think some of my favorite memories include my own kids! I love that Bradlee and Emma know their GREAT-grandparents! They know them by name, and Emma even drew them on an anniversary card (gray and white hair, and all!). :) I also was fortunate enough to know 6 of my 8 great-grandparents...and I have memories of all of them!
Here are some pictures of Emma and Bradlee (or, as Papa calls him, "The General" or "Omar") with their great-grandparents:
The next time we are together with Snookie and Papa, I have to make sure I get some more pictures of Papa! He's usually also taking pictures!! :)
For Snookie and Papa's 50th Wedding Anniversary, they took the family (13 of us!) on an Alaskan cruise! It's hard to believe it was 10 years ago this past July! We had a fabulous time and will always remember the whole family being together for such a wonderful occasion!!
So, since I wouldn't be here if they had never been married, and for all those wonderful years together, I wish Snookie and Papa / Mom and Dad / George and Jackie / Mr. and Mrs. Kozloff a very very very Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary!
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