Emma visited the eye doctor again in mid-August. He said her eyes are looking good and to keep wearing the glasses for now. He’s going to see her again in November to check her progress, but I was given strict instructions that if her eyes seem to be crossing more and more, then to bring her in sooner. I really think she’s getting used to them, and her eyes are also. They cross, but not as much as without…we’ll see what happens when school starts and she’s concentrating on more direct things. I’ll make sure her teachers know about the problem as well, since they will be seeing her more during those times. If she doesn’t seem to get better, then she will be put into a bifocal to help direct the vision.
The weekend of August 21st is known as “Crim Weekend” here in the Flint area. It’s the big event where, undoubtedly, a Kenyan will win the big 10-Mile run. In fact, Tony saw a man wearing a headband that said, “In my dreams, I’m Kenyan”. We participated as much as possibly could in all the activities going on right in our own backyard: downtown Flint! There was some kind of ceremony Tony DJ-ed for on Thursday and Emma, Bradlee and I went to see what it was all about. We also picked up our registration packets for our individual races that weekend. Friday is the big party…they have kids activities and a big pasta party (hosted by Italia Gardens…if you don’t live in the Flint area and don’t know what Italia Gardens is, they are a family-owed Italian restaurant to DIE for…they also catered Tony’s and my wedding!). The proceeds to the all-you-can-eat Pasta Dinner benefit the Women’s Shelter of Flint, so you’re not only getting good food, you’re helping out a great cause as well!! Emma and Bradlee DEVOURED their pasta and had a great time with the activities!
Saturday was race day. The events started at 7:30am that morning and ran until around 1:30pm. What a great day for Flint!! The streets were packed with cars and downtown was packed with people!! Tony and I did the 5K (3.1 miles) walk that morning. Tony finished in the top 100 participants! His time was around 44 minutes. I finished in 50:22, so I was pretty happy. We are going to “train” to do it again and improve our times for next year. We may even do a few other walks throughout the year as well. We really had a good time. That afternoon, Emma was entered in the Teddy Bear Trot. It’s a ¼ mile run right down Saginaw Street. Last year, Tony ran with her and he ended up carrying her for about half of it…this year, both Tony and I ran with her and she only walked about 20 feet, then we got her to pick it up again and run! She did so well!! I don’t have any pictures of race day, by my in-laws do, so I’ll be sure to get those soon and post them.
The night of the Crim, Flushing Parks was showing “Bolt” in the park. I have been promising Emma I would take her to see it all summer long, and I did not break this promise! Lynne, Emma and I packed snacks and drinks and went to the park and watched “Bolt” outside under the cool night stars! It was a great night, and it is a great movie!
That same weekend, Tony and I noticed our van was overheating while we were driving out to his parents' house. We didn't drive it all weekend and took it to the dealership for repairs. The total in repairs was going to be over $1000...so we just had the minimal done, about $600, and then decided to buy a brand spankin' new minivan!!! We got a great deal from the dealership, then my grandfather got us the employee pricing, and since our old minivan was almost paid off, we didn't have to rollover too much from there, so all the stars aligned and we were able to get our new car. It is a 2009 Chrysler Town and Country - "sparkly" black...we LOVE it! Emma's favorite part is that her windows (the middle row windows) roll down!
Other than that, we've been working on getting the kids back into a schedule (especially sleeping!) and especially getting Tony used to waking up at 6am again! After we found out Bradlee's nursery will not be opening again this fall, we went on a mad chase for a new one. The Holly District will still have a nursery/day care at another elementary school, about 10 miles south of the high school. It's not exactly "on the way" for either of us, but after checking out other places and visiting it today, we are pretty sure we're going to enjoy having Bradlee there. It a great looking room and there are great people who work there. I'm excited for him and for us in this new experience!
Emma will be starting Preschool this fall...since she missed the Kindergarten cut-of by a week! (You have to be 5 years old by December 1st to start Kindergarten the previous fall...her birthday is the 8th). Today, while talking to the director of the Holly Kids program, we learned that they are offering a 5-day Preschool. S-O-L-D!!! She is so excited, although I don't think she really know what it means. She will be in a latch key program when she's dropped off, then preschool, back to latch key room for lunch, preschool until 3pm and then latch key until she's picked up! I'm excited that she will be getting ready for her non-nap days...not that she's been taking one this summer anyway!!! It's going to be a school year full of new and interesting experiences!
1 comment:
So glad to hear the school year started well for your family. I just can't believe Emma will be 5 in December!
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