We took Mom and Dad's van to the graduation, which includes everyone being COVERED in Maggie's (their Golden Retriever) hair...it was rather entertaining watching Mom go around and "de-fur" everyone...especially Dad! :)
The proud graduate with her family!!
I think Kathi and I always do this when we get a hold of a camera!!
Bradlee had his 9 month check up this past Thursday...he's growing like a weed!!! Emma came with me since Tony had Parent/Teacher conferences. He (Bradlee) was happy he didn’t need any shots…Emma was disappointed because she “just wanted to see how he does when he gets a shot!” LOL Here are Bradlee’s stats:
WEIGHT: 21 lb. 4 oz.
LENGTH: 27.25 in (2 inches more than he was at 6 months!)
What a big boy! :) Here’s a picture of him in his new Tigers hat!
Emma has been such a good sister. She loves playing with Bradlee and seeing him do and try new things. It’s so funny, the things that come out of her mouth! She sings songs to him and loves trying to make him laugh. Of course, there are many times we hear, “MOOOOOMMMMMMMMM…..Bradlee’s playing with ** fill in item here **!!!!!!” For the most part, though, she’s just awesome. Tony and I will just look at each other and wonder how we got so lucky to have two beautiful awesome kids!
Here’s a picture of Emma in only part of her dress-up glory…usually there’s a dress and shoes, crown, bracelets and magic wand…this day, she only opted for the earrings and necklace!
Tony’s DJ season is starting to pick up again, so he takes every opportunity possible to spend some time with the kids…Bradlee loves being read to, so Tony was introducing him to his Detroit Tigers book!
Hope you have a wonderful week!! Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mothers reading!
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