What a busy week it's been! We got a new friend in the house! :) Emma brought home her "caterpillar" from school...it's a stocking filled with soil and grass seed...how creative!!! She picked out the eyes and antennae and watered it every day (with her teachers' help, of course!) and she got a very cute, green little caterpillar! Emma thinks it's so funny that her caterpillar has grass on it's tummy! LOL
Emma was great at gymnastics last Wednesday. She goes for an hour every Wednesday and just loves it, as I've said before! It's so amazing to go each week and watch how much she's either learned, advanced or even is just willing to try! In this picture (she's the one wearing pink, with her feet in the air!), she is practicing her handstands against a mat. I call it her "dolphin impersonation"!! The most amazing part is that she does this on her own!
THEN....her teacher, Miss Jessie, took the kids over to the "big bar". Jessie gets up on the platform and the kids come up one at a time and swing over the pit (a hole in the ground filled with foam pieces) and then drop into it! Emma has been terrified to do this on her own since she started gymnastics. Last week, she did it! When she got out, she said, "That was fun Miss Jessie! Let's do it again!"
After gymnastics, since she had done such a good job, I got to tell her a secret...on Friday, Aunt Kathi (my sister) was going to take her to see "Annie" on stage!!! Here's her reaction!!

For Tony's mom for Mother's Day, we got her a toolbox, which sat in our kitchen for about 4 days prior to giving it to her. Bradlee loved pulling himself up on it...so when I was putting some things in it and such, it was open and Bradlee basically climbed right in! So, I sat him in it and took his picture. Not to be outdone by his brother, Emma was next...she didn't fit in quite as well!!
After school on Friday, Emma came home and we picked out a dress to wear (WITH tights!) and shoes to wear and headed over to Grandma and Boppa's house where Aunt Kathi was waiting...after Aunt Kathi got dressed, and we got some pictures, they headed to McDonald's for some chicken nuggets and then to the Fischer in Detroit for the show. Emma loved it...she was so excited that Aunt Kathi got her a program ("WITH PICTURES!!!!"), which also came with a little backpack!! What a great time they had together!

Unfortunately, the fun didn't last too long, for after Emma spent the night with Aunt Kathi, she woke up with a fever and not feeling well. After the fever being under control with Tylenol, I took the kids to Tony's parents' for the night so I could go to a girls' night at a friend's house. I got a call around 8:30 that Emma's temp had jumped to about 104, so I decided to take her to the ER. (By the way, Tony was DJ-ing a wedding through this part!) We got into the ER and she was finally diagnosed with a (you guessed it) virus. She threw up in the waiting room and immediately starting feeling better, but they gave her a purple Popsicle to make sure she would keep it down. We went home and she slept the rest of the night! (into Mother's Day).....

Mother's Day morning Tony got up with the kids and took care of them downstairs until about 10am when he and Emma brought up breakfast in bed for me! Emma proudly told me she buttered the toast herself!! Her and I enjoyed breakfast together in my bed and then we got ready for our early dinner with our families. In school, Emma made me a little "vase" out of a milk carton and tissue paper. It had a little flower in it! Emma also colored a picture with flowers on it and they also sent home a little poem, saying thanks mom for......putting bandages on my scraped knees (which I had done to Emma just that week), for reading stories (we read a chapter of "The Wizard of Oz" every night!), etc. etc. Emma just looked at me when I read it out loud to her and she said, "Mama, you do ALL of those things!!!" Talk about making your heart melt!!! Here's a picture of the two of us with the goodies she made at school:

We went to the Bavarian Inn Lodge for dinner with both Tony's and my families...it was a good meal and we had nice company and the kids acted great. Here's Grandma feeding Bradlee (sitting on Aunt Lynne's - Tony's sister - lap) tapioca pudding and cool whip!!
This is the card that Bradlee "made" at school...it's a "kiss coupon book" with kisses from him to me...I asked Tony how comfortable he was knowing that his son had lipstick on! LOL It was cute nonetheless...and this picture is EXACTLY how he kisses now!!!
This is the card that Emma made Mother's Day morning for me. She prints so well...Tony just told her how to spell everything (she knows "Mommy", "Daddy", and "Emma")...she loves making projects and I had given her the flower punch from my craft supplies...so it's even cooler!!

I wish I could say that everything ended great, but alas, I'm not that lucky! Sunday afternoon when we got home from dinner, Emma and I both started feeling crummy. We both had fevers and went to bed early. Emma, Bradlee and I all stayed home on Monday and Tony's parents' come to get the kids...oh I forgot, Bradlee had pink eye the previous week!! So, Emma had the fever, I had a fever and aches, and Bradlee was recovering from pink eye...Emma has since been diagnosed with a throat infection and is finally starting to get her fever under control and Bradlee's been doing well. I was home again today (Tuesday) for a sore throat, which has ended up only being a darned virus...I just want a healthy family for, like, a month!! Is that too much to ask?!!?!? :)
I'm sure we'll all be on the mend soon, and by then it will be summer break and the kids will be away from the other kids' at school and the germs (only to start again in the fall!)....ah well.....Hope everyone has a great week!