So last night, Tony had a basketball triple-header at Holly...he announces, for those of you who don't know...anyways, I brought Emma and Bradlee home from my parents' house after dinner and put Bradlee to bed, then Emma to bed. They were both in bed (thank GOD!) by 8:00pm..quite an accomplishment! I was down in the basement working on a project and watching ER from Thursday night when I heard crying. I thought it was on the TV, but then a Verizon commercial came on, and that definitely was not part of the dialogue! I turned up the monitor, which wasn't indicating Bradlee was crying, but in the background, I could still hear crying, so I figured it must be Emma. I ran upstairs, turned on the hallway light, and went into
Emma's room. He hair was all in front of her face and she was really sweaty, so I thought she was just overheated. I

started calming her down, and pushed her hair out of her face, when I saw that her left eye was swollen. I moved the rest of her hair out of the way, and not only was it swollen, but it was completely swollen shut! The right eye was also swollen, but not as bad. I turned on her bedside light and she was crying and kind of talking gibberish, probably from waking up. I turned off her light and told her to stay still. I ran into my room, called my mom and dad and told them what was going on and they were headed over. I grabbed Emma, threw her shoes on her, and took her downstairs. Threw on my shoes, her coat, my coat and opened the back door when my mom and dad drove up. Mom and Karyn came in to stay with Bradlee, my dad took Emma and me to the ER. She was so out of it and so tired, it was almost funny in a cute sort of way on how she was

acting! We got through triage with no problems (and faster than any other time I have EVER been to the ER!) and the doctor came in before we even had a chance to get our coats off in the room. Her throat wasn't swollen, nor were there any hives, so whatever the allergen was that was causing the swelling of her eyes was only by contact, not ingestion....ugh. They put her on a dose of Benedryl and toddler-Prednisone (a steroid)...and it almost started working immediately! Her mood picked up and she was SO funny! At one point, she said, "Mama, sometimes when you bring me to the doctor, you forget to put my clothes on!" :) I laughed and told her that it was because the doctors like her monkey and banana pajamas! Not even 2 minutes later, the doctor came back in and said, "Emma, I just love your pajamas!" LOL He was a great doctor. SO...Emma's on steroids and Benadryl and still had a somewhat puffy eye, but all-in-all, she's much better. She's also combating with the drowsiness from the Benadryl and the moodiness from the Prednisone, so that's also been the challenge of the day! LOL We're going to be nice parents and not send her to school tomorrow! :)
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