If there's one thing I can count on Bradlee for, it's a smile, and usually a laugh (once he's not looking at me anymore).
For example, at Emma's birthday party, which we had at a local high school swimming pool, he found this hat and goggles in the "toy bin" they have for the swim classes. Of course he was wearing his trusty floaty, and the noodle just added to the fun!!
Last month, Emma, Bradlee and I were driving home from school. In the car, Emma and I were talking about how she wanted to see "The Nutcracker" again this year (she last saw it two years ago). While Emma was talking and talking about it, I could hear Bradlee sighing and trying to get a word in. Finally I said, "What's the matter, Bradlee? Do you want to see it too?" "YES." He said. I said, "Well, honey, I just don't know if you're big enough to go see a big show like that yet." He cuts me off and says, "I KNEW you were going to say that!" I thought about it for a second and said, "You know what, Bradlee? Let's try it. You go see movies, why not a show?!" Excited doesn't even BEGIN to describe him for the next 2 weeks until we went! Asked my mom to come in case he didn't last and I had to leave with him, but he was a perfect audience member! We had prepped him, telling him there was no talking, only music. We also told him he would know some of the songs from listening to Mommy's iPod and watching some of the shows on Disney Channel. Once the lights went down, he was mesmerized! I leaned over to point out Clara, the main character, to him. He looked at me with a deadpan face and whispered, "Shhhh....no talking." :) He's been walking around humming selections from "The Nutcracker" ever since.
Yesterday, and into the night, I had a pretty severe migraine. I was in bed all day. Bradlee decided he needed to sleep with me until Tony came to bed, so he could keep an eye on me. So we let him. He was all cuddled in when he decided he had to go to the bathroom...he got up, went in, and I heard him call for Tony, saying he had an accident (i.e., missed the toilet because he forgot to turn the light on). Tony got him into clean PJ's and he climbed back into bed with me. He said, "Mama, you know that red Muppet? What's his name? The red Muppet who plays the drums?" "Animal?" I answered. "Yeah, Animal. He's on my jammies now." I smiled and said, "You know what, Bradlee? You are really good at making me smile." "Yeah," he replied, "and skipping. I'm good at skipping, too..." <3>3>