We are loving this weather! The kids found the dress-up clothes at Nana and Beepee's house!

On Saturday, we went down to IKEA in Canton to pick out a twin-sized bed for Bradlee! He's grown quite a bit taller over the past few months and has not only outgrown the rocking chair we use to rock him in before bed, but also his toddler bed! The problem we've had is that his room is the smallest bedroom in our house, and has a built-in desk that cannot be removed. So we have ducts, windows, a curved ceiling and this built-in desk to work around this small room. My plan was to get him a beautiful wood captain's bed so we could eliminate the need for a dresser and use the under bed storage for his clothes. Well, after measuring it all out, the captain's bed would be the ONLY thing in that room. I was quite bummed. Then I remembered IKEA...they are famous for fitting a lot of furniture in a small space, right?! Well TA-DAAAAAA!!! I found one! We went on Saturday to pick it out and bring it home. Complete with a new headboard, mattress, 2 mattress covers (waterproof, of course!), comforter and cover, along with the bed frame with 2 drawers - all for a great deal!! We got it all in the van, which was even more impressive!!!
I spent most of Sunday putting everything together. It was easier than I thought it would be and fit in his room much better than I expected! We are able to leave his dresser in there along with everything else, except the rocking chair. I had a really hard time taking that rocking chair out of his room...and so did he! He cried when I put him to bed, saying he wanted to rock! So, I had to fight the tears and tell him that even though we can't rock anymore, the cool thing about being a big boy is that we can cuddle now, because Mommy and Daddy can fit in his bed!! :) It worked and we cuddled a little longer than normal to celebrate...
This afternoon when he came home from school, he ran upstairs and was overjoyed to see his new big boy bed was still there!! Here he is all ready for sweet dreams!