Monday, December 17, 2012
Little Monster...
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Amazing munchkin...
Friday, November 30, 2012
It's been a while!!
Wow...I can't believe how long it's been on here...lots has happened!
At the beginning of the month, we had left the house to see Tony's parents. It was about 6:45 at night...about 15 minutes later, I received a text on my phone that our alarm system on our house had been set off. A minute later, Tony got a call from the alarm company asking if we were safe. Someone had kicked in our back door. Fortunately, we also have cameras with the alarm system, and no one came in and nothing is missing. We had the kids stay at Tony's parents' house and we dealt with our house. Thankfully my parents don't live too far away, so my dad came over to help, too. The police department in the city of Flint is on limited resources, so after waiting 2 hours for someone to show up, Tony called 9-1-1 again and had them on the phone while he and my dad entered and checked the the house. All clear. The men boarded up the back door. We are definitely looking into moving!!!
One thing that concerned me was how the kids would feel when they saw the door boarded up and heard what happened. They shouldn't feel scared to be in their own home! So when they got home (it was early in the day, since they didn't have school on Election Day), I told Tony to have them get their markers and decorate the door! They went to town! I really think it helped both them and us feel a bit better!!
We have a brand new door now, and we thanked the alarm company over and over again. We are confident that is what scared the would-be intruders away!!! Now we venture into the real estate market!!!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Acorn-y Day!

Friday, September 7, 2012
To the Zoo!!
On Sunday, we made our annual "back to school" trip to the Detroit Zoo! What a wonderful day! Bradlee had gone to the doctor in the past week, so we decided to switch out his car seat for the booster seat! He was SO excited we let them sit in the "way back" of the van!
It was also quite liberating to walk around the Zoo WITHOUT a stroller, wagon, diaper bag, or having to carry a child! What a milestone!!!!! While I love ny babies, and they will always be my babies, we are enjoying the freedom that comes with them growing up!
After the the way, we are now official members...we had our traditional visit with Snookie and Papa and I'm so ticked I forgot to get pictures of it! We had a wonderful dinner at Buddy's Pizza with them, then headed home.
I do love this tradition...
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Open Houses!!
Monday, August 20, 2012
So proud!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Birthday Boy!
Last Sunday, the 29th, my baby boy turned 4 years old! He is B-I-G into naturally, we had a pirate-themed birthday! Aunt Kat and Uncle Garrett gave Bradlee a card with a treasure map inside...the "X" marked the spot of his present! He was SHOCKED to really find a treasure chest with pirate gold and all kinds of pirate goodies in it! Lots of family and friends were able to celebrate with was a great way to spend Bradlee's birthday!
We went to the doctor for his 4 year physical...he is 2 pounds short of being able to sit in a booster seat in the car! To rectify this, Bradlee has constantly been in the "good eaters" or "clean plate" club!! :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
Summer Fun with Strings!
For the last two weeks, Emma has been participating in a camp at the Flint School of Performing Arts. The camp was called "Summer Fun with Strings" and is about as old as me! In fact, I remember helping with registration and such when I worked at the FSPA in high school! ;)
Last Monday, the first day, Emma went to camp and tried each of the stringed instruments: violin, viola, cello and bass. After trying each of them, she decided on the viola. I have to admit, though, that I sort of put the idea in her head ahead of time...but she knew she could pick whatever she wanted!
Last Friday, before going up north, I was able to pick Emma up from camp. She took out her viola and played "Mary Had a Little Lamb" for me! After only 5 days! Needless to say, I was impressed and very proud!
Today was the last day of camp...they had a little recital for the different age groups/classes to perform what they've learned. Knowing that these kids have never touched an instrument before 10 days ago, and seeing them play songs today...WOW. :)
My great grandfather played violin in Russia....I play clarinet...maybe Emma will continue in our footsteps??? My only hope is that she at least has an appreciation for music! I think we've got that covered!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Up North!!
What a fabulous weekend we had! The four if us went up to Beulah on Platte Lake and stayed with our friends, Justin and Sara, at their family cabin. We went kayaking, canoeing and had a great time!!! Emma and Bradlee loved being out on the water, as did Tony and I! On Sunday, before we headed home, we took a side trip over to Sleeping Bear Dunes. We had read the book, "The Legend of Sleeping Bear" to them before we left and they were quite excited to climb up "Mama Bear"!! Both kids made it to the top!! It was a great family weekend...
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Power Outage 2012
We made it through the storm! Last Wednesday, as most of you probably know, we had a massive storm that came through! I was awakened around 4:15am to the sound of wind, only to discover that one of my bedroom windows was open. When I got up to close the window (since we had the AC on), I noticed how windy it was. Fifteen minutes later, the power went out. I waited....waited...waited.....nothing. So I went downstairs to get my cell phone to set the alarm! Glad that window was open!
We did not recover power until the next day, about noon.....which left our fridge and freezers off for 32 hours total. We lost about 75% of our food! :( Here are pictures of our nicely stuffed freezer and our not-so-stuffed freezer....
We are able to make a claim with our insurance company to get some money for the food we that's good! I'm just glad we were all okay and our power went on much sooner than some people's!!!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Washington DC!
<p>What a week! Tony, Emma and I spent a week in Washington, DC with 16 of Tony's students and a colleague and her husband. It was a great week! </p>
<p>We flew in on Sunday and visited the monuments. Monday we went to Arlington Cemetery. Tuesday was Capitol Hill, Wednesday Emma and I went to the American Girl Store! Thursday was Ford Theatre and Smithsonians and National Zoo. Friday was the White House, Air and Space Museum and headed home! Enjoy the pictures!!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
I cut my hair! I have been growing it out for probably 2 years or so...mostly for my sister's wedding back in October. It was pretty long then, but I decided to grow it longer so that when I eventually cut it, I could donate it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. It it a program where they take donated hair and make wigs for cancer patients! There is a minimum of 8 inches needed to make a wig....and I donated (and freed myself from!) a whole 9 inches!!!
Friday, June 15, 2012
The Zoo!
Last Saturday, I took the kids to the Detroit Zoo with Emma's Brownie troop! I just LOVE that Zoo!!! We had a great time, and although it was 90 degrees out, there was a great breeze to help keep us comfortable! Bradlee LOVED the penguins...(and yes, Snookie and Papa, Stosh and Sophie were waiting for us!!!) while Emma really enjoyed just taking all the animals in...I have to say, though, I think she really enjoyed, of all things, the prairie dogs! They have a way for kids to be able to go under the prairie dog hill and then poke their heads up so they are eye-level with the animals!!! It was a fantastic day at the Zoo and we can't wait to go back this summer!!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Relay for Life!
Emma and I are the team captains of our team, the Committee All-Stars. She LOVES this role and comes to all the meetings and even listens for "team captain" announcements so she knows what to do! She is always proud of her team captain t-shirt!!
This year, Bradlee wanted to be involved, too. So we asked him if he wanted to be our Mr. Relay. This is a half-hour competition at the Relay where a guy from each team can dress up to the specifications previously set by the committee. Then they walk around for about 30 minutes and try to collect the most amount of money. All of it goes to the team, and, ultimately the American Cancer Society. This year, our Relay theme was "Fairy tales", so the Mr. Relayers had to dress up like Fairy Godmothers. The requirements were that they had to have: a big poofy dress that went below the knee, a magic wand, a crown/tiara, a cape/wings, a purse to collect money in, and know 3 magic spells! That's a lot for a three year old! :) Bradlee was up for the task...he wore one of Emma's dress-up gowns and tiaras, carried one of her purses and magic wands and we taught him 3 magic spells: 1. "Walletus Openus"; 2. "Abracadabra (or as he says, 'Abratadabra'), I want money!"; and 3. (my personal favorite) "I am good, Cancer is bad. Put your money in my bag!"!! He was FABULOUS...AND.........he won!!!! That bugger won a total of $136 and beat all the other "Godmothers" by a landslide! :)
Friday, June 1, 2012
Emma's a Brownie!
The bridging ceremony for Emma's Girl Scout troop was on Wednesday! This is the troop I am co-leader of...10 1st graders! I know why I am NOT a teacher! LOL Anyway, Emma bridged from a Daisy to a Brownie! Here she is with Gramma - who sewed all those patches on for her!!!!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Last Saturday, Tony's mom, my mom, Emma and I participated in the Healing Hands 5k Walk to benefit the Genesee County Free Medical Clinic. Not only did Emma complete all 3.1 miles, she won 3rd place in her age division and received a medal! I am SO proud of her!!!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Family Time

Friday, April 27, 2012
Little Dude
For Valentine's Day, Aunt Lynne gave Bradlee a Chipmunks baseball hat. Bradlee LOVES it! Last week, he decided that the proper way to wear it was he walked around the house with it on backwards. The problem was that when he would bump it on anything, it would turn just a bit, so then it was cockeyed! Tony and I decided we have lived in Flint long enough! :)
We were making dinner on the grill, and Tony asked Bradlee to come test the veggies to see if they were done. He went out and tried EVERY SINGLE KIND!! Red peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, orange peppers, summer squash, zucchini! Amazing! He's such a picky eater, we really have a hard time getting him to try new things... I watched him and Tony through the kitchen window and had to take the picture then! :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
We Made It!
Friday, March 30, 2012
What a great weekend we had last week! We had our annual "Girls plus Bradlee" trip to Frankenmuth with Tony's mom and sister! The kids had a great time at Zehnder's Splash Village!
On Sunday, Emma's Daisy troop was given a private tour and archery range time at Bass Pro Shop in Auburn Hills. She wouldn't feed the fish (live bait!), but boy, did she love the archery! We may have a new hobby!!
This coming week is Spring Break, and just to prove you can have fun without going anywhere, Bradlee's having his tonsils and adenoids out on Monday, and in a surprising turn of events in the last month, I will be having my gall bladder out on Thursday! We like to keep our hospital in business! :) Prayers for speedy recoveries for both of us would be greatly appreciated!! ;)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Not-so-little-boy anymore...
On Saturday, we went down to IKEA in Canton to pick out a twin-sized bed for Bradlee! He's grown quite a bit taller over the past few months and has not only outgrown the rocking chair we use to rock him in before bed, but also his toddler bed! The problem we've had is that his room is the smallest bedroom in our house, and has a built-in desk that cannot be removed. So we have ducts, windows, a curved ceiling and this built-in desk to work around this small room. My plan was to get him a beautiful wood captain's bed so we could eliminate the need for a dresser and use the under bed storage for his clothes. Well, after measuring it all out, the captain's bed would be the ONLY thing in that room. I was quite bummed. Then I remembered IKEA...they are famous for fitting a lot of furniture in a small space, right?! Well TA-DAAAAAA!!! I found one! We went on Saturday to pick it out and bring it home. Complete with a new headboard, mattress, 2 mattress covers (waterproof, of course!), comforter and cover, along with the bed frame with 2 drawers - all for a great deal!! We got it all in the van, which was even more impressive!!!
I spent most of Sunday putting everything together. It was easier than I thought it would be and fit in his room much better than I expected! We are able to leave his dresser in there along with everything else, except the rocking chair. I had a really hard time taking that rocking chair out of his room...and so did he! He cried when I put him to bed, saying he wanted to rock! So, I had to fight the tears and tell him that even though we can't rock anymore, the cool thing about being a big boy is that we can cuddle now, because Mommy and Daddy can fit in his bed!! :) It worked and we cuddled a little longer than normal to celebrate...
This afternoon when he came home from school, he ran upstairs and was overjoyed to see his new big boy bed was still there!! Here he is all ready for sweet dreams!