It was a nice Christmas! Lots of family and fun! Bradlee was more than happy to just chill out on his new bean bag chair (from Gramma and Boppa) and cuddle with his new blankie (from Nana and Beepee)! :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Merry Christmas!!
We started the month with a treat. For Emma's and my birthdays, my mother-in-law and Lynne took us (all four of us) to see Donny and Marie Osmond's Christmas Show in Detroit. It was Emma's first concert and she had a blast! :) The best part was when she recognized the songs they were singing...especially when Donny sang "Close Every Door" from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
The attitudes and behavior have slightly improved...Usually just when they remember he's there!!
I found out early this week that I received a promotion / new job I applied for within the bank! I am moving to a full-time position in the accounting department, basically doing the same thing, plus some new things, that I am currently doing. We are re-vamping our department, and this just seemed like a logical "next step" for me! I am really excited for this, and along with the pay raise and "Senior Accounting Specialist" title, I got to move to a bigger (and more private) desk! I start my new hours on Tuesday!
On Wednesday, our friends, Sara and Justin, came over to give the kids their Christmas gifts....Emma got some craft books, and Bradlee got the "bestest spaceship E-VER!" :) Thanks, Uncle Justin and Aunt Sara!!
Bradlee has also been very proud of his Rudolph picture he made in school. We even had to pull out the paint at home so he could show me how to do it!! This is one of those art projects I will treasure...and Emma made one in preschool, too! Thankfully, the school laminated them before sending them home, so I can have them forever! :)
We also went to see Santa this week....thankfully there were no surprises: Bradlee wants a drum and Emma wants a microphone! We'll see what Santa brings!
I hope you have a very wonderful Christmas and are able to spend it with those you love.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Waiting for the laundry...
Took Emma to the doctor's today for her 7 year physical. She's grown 2.5 inches in the past year (I think about 2 of them were since June!) and is only 16" shorter than me!! YIKES! :) I remember the day I was "officially" taller than my mom...LOL
Doctor said she's doing well. No serious concerns, although Emma has been saying her eyes have been crossing a lot more frequently lately...that's an issue for the eye doctor, though! :) Emma's weight is a bit high for her height/age, but we're going to work on that (actually, we're ALL going to work on that!!)!
So, she's growing well, doing well and is happy! What more could a mother ask for?! :)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

While putting her to bed tonight (the evening of the 7th), Emma asked me what we were doing 7 years ago when she was still in my tummy. I told her how I visited the doctor and she told me to come to the hospital the next morning. I told her how Daddy (Tony) and I went to church for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception with Gramma and Boppa (my parents) and then went to Red Robin for dinner! That's why we always go to Red Robin for

It's so amazing to look at these pictures and see how little she was...6 pounds, 12 ounces! Now she's an amazing big girl...just amazing. There is nothing she does that surprises me anymore...for example:

We were going somewhere on Sunday in the car and we were talking about how Tony's birthday was the next day (the 5th). Emma responded that only 3 days after that was her birthday and she won't be 6 anymore! Bradlee said that on his next birthday, he was going to be 6. Emma was quiet for just a minute and said, "No, Bradlee. You won't be six until I turn nine." <
Emma has really grown into a mature, intelligent and caring little girl. She's the kind of kid everyone wants to be around, everyone loves, and who loves everyone!
Another story...I was commenting on what a mess the bathroom was. I said

Happy Birthday, Emma! I love you so much!!!