Well, it's been a week since I've updated this, so it must mean I'm back to work!
I went back to work last Monday (a week ago), and wouldn't you know it, Emma got sick on Tuesday! She came down with a fever and sore throat, so I took her to the clinic and she was diagnosed with tonsillitis...2 days later, she's still got a fever and not feeling any better, so I took her to the REAL doctor, and he said to stop the antibiotic and keep up the Tylenol...it's "just a virus"...the next morning? A whole new girl! Amazing! :) She's much better now!
On Friday, my sister-in-law, Lynne, took me to see Donny and Marie Osmond at Soaring Eagle Casino in Mt. Pleasant! It was my birthday present from her, and partly from my mother- and father-in law! :) The show was pretty good, although we both agreed that we would rather just see Donny by himself. It was neat to see the two of them together, though. They have a really good relationship, and it definitely shows! The music was good and we had a nice time together!!
When I took Emma to the doctor (the real one, not the fake ones at the clinic), she had only one concern. MY concern was to get her better...hers was the Crim. Once it was determined that she had a virus, Emma looked at Dr. Banerjee and said, "Will I be able to run my Crim race on Saturday?"..."You're running in the Crim?!"..."Well, just the kid's Teddy Bear Trot, but will I be able to?"...*chuckle* "Well, Emma, if you don't have a fever, you can run in your race." LOL
For those of you who don't know what the Crim is...well, you're just missing out! The Crim is a HUGE race that happens to have started 34 years ago in none other than good 'ole downtown Flint!! It's provided Flint with a wonderful, positive event, and brings so many people! When it started 34 years ago, there were 700 participants...this year, 2010, there were over 10,000 participants!! My mom and I participated in the 5K walk (and did it in 52:53!) and the kids were both in the Teddy Bear Trot, a 1/4 mile "race" for the kids! Emma looks forward to it every year, and I have a feeling Bradlee will, now, too! Even though Emma wasn't feeling 100%, she was still excited to run in the race. My dad and I were with the kids and had the stroller with us, so Emma rode for a little bit, but was able to run across the finish line! I was in charge of Bradlee, who walked, ran, stopped to look at the bricks on the ground, stopped to get squirted with water by the volunteers, then ran a little more, then wanted to be held, then walked across the finish line! :) He had a GREAT time!!!

While we were chasing after the kids, Tony was busy himself! His DJ company, Black Tie Productions, was the official DJ company of the Crim! So, Tony was playing the music, announcing, and getting the crowd riled up for the Crim! Here he is working the crowd!

After the Crim, we had a visitor come over for the night! Kat and Garrett were going to a surprise birthday party in Mt. Pleasant, so they asked Emma and Bradlee to watch their dog, Holly! Emma LOVES LOVES LOVES Holly, so of course, she said yes! :) Holly slept in her room and she made sure she had water, fed her, and helped Tony and me take her outside. Emma and Bradlee also had a great time putting blankets on her and pretending she was a bride...especially when she wouldn't take the blanket off, and would just walk around (of course, she was actually trying to get away from the kids, but the kids just thought she was playing along!)!!! It was pretty cute to watch. Bradlee loved having Holly here, too, and especially enjoyed giving her treats.

When Holly had left, Bradlee was walking around with a little stuffed dog. He came downstairs, into the kitchen where I was washing dishes, said, "Hi Mama!" and then continued down the three stairs leading to the back door. I could hear him trying to open the door, so I stopped and said, "Bradlee, what are you doing?" He turned around, pointed to the stuffed dog in his arm and said, "oof oof go potty"...he was trying to take the dog outside to go potty! :) What a cutie! :)
In other Bradlee news, we were in the pool last night, and Bradlee said he wanted to jump in. I put him on the ledge of the pool and tried holding his hands to help him jump in. He pushed my hands away ("No mama, no!") and then held out one finger and said, "One, two, three!" (still holding only one finger out)...then he pointed at me and said, "Say GO!" So I said, "GO!" and he jumped right into my arms in the pool! :) What a big boy! He did it over and over again, about 10 times or so!! He's so different than Emma...so much more aggressive and not shy at all! :) I just love them both! :)