Last Saturday, Emma and I had a "Mommy-Emma" day...and what a great day it was! We ran some errands and then went to a craft show down at Holly High School. She brought some money she had saved in her piggy bank to buy some crafts. I bought her a crown and she bought herself a Disney princess necklace. She was very proud of herself! She had a little purse and everything. It was quite comical to watch her dig the money out to pay the girl for the necklace! She has become quite the
young lady!! I took a picture of her in the crown, then when we were leaving and walking out to the car, Emma was running ahead of me, looking back to make sure the ribbon from her crown was flowing behind her....how cute!

That night, we picked Bradlee up from Tony's parents and then came home. While we were eating dinner, Emma went to get a drink and accidently dropped her cup. Fortunately, it was a "water bottle -type cup with a lid, so it didn't spill or make a mess...however, Bradlee started laughing. Now, whether Emma noticed that it made Bradlee laugh or she was just not paying attention, I don't know...but she started picking up her cup and dropping it, picking it up and dropping it, etc. Bradlee was

Sunday, the 8th, was my 30th birthday! I had a concert at a nursing home in Frankenmuth and had sloppy joes for dinner at Tony's parents'. The rest of the week included helping Tony get better! Not too much excitement, but I did get to take Emma and Bradlee to school and pick them up each day. I enjoy doing this, even though it's totally out of my way to work. I love seeing them interact with their friends and classmates and teachers! Emma didn't cry one day when I dropped her off, probably because I got her there just as Pre-K was getting going, so she didn't have a chance to realize I was leaving! She was supposed to go on her first field trip on Wednesday this week (in two days) to the elementary school across the street to have a "shared reading" time with the 1st/2nd grade split. I don't think she's going to make it, though, since the school district is requiring her to be "fever free for 24 hours without the use of a fever-reducing medication"...we'll have to see, though!
On Friday, my mom and dad made my traditional birthday dinner - homemade tacos! I think I've had tacos for my birthday since I cut my first tooth! :) Emma was probably starting to not feel good then, 'cause she only wanted dessert (although, dessert was Cold Stone Creamery cupcakes, so I wouldn't put it past her to just want the dessert anyway!!)...Bradlee, on the other had, ate a WHOLE taco!! He loved the tomatoes and cheese the best, but ate everything, including the tortilla and meat! A kid after my own heart, I tell ya!
Tonight, I picked Bradlee up from school and we had a "Mommy-Bradlee" night! We played, ate dinner, sang songs, and then had a bath....Bradlee LOVES his baths! He has to wear ear plugs because of the tubes in his ears, and he doesn't seem to mind them too much. He'll play with them at first, but then I start the bath water and he's so excited to get all his toys in the bathtub that he forgets all about the plugs! Here are some great shots....As I'm sure you can imagine, I got a bath, too!