Then it was Valentine's Day and both Emma and Bradlee had outfits to wear to school for their parties! Emma and I made heart crayon necklaces for her friends....all 36 of them! It was time consuming, but I was so happy we did them because she got so much candy from everyone else! Her friends loved them and she told me she had to tell everyone that we "only color on PAPER!"!! What a girl! It's not the best picture of Emma, but it's the only one I got with her wearing her "Dorothy shoes" sparkly dress shoes! Bradlee had a cute little one piece with Mickey on it that he, surprisingly, kept clean all day!!
This past Monday, my grandfather (Dad's dad) turned 87!!! So on Sunday we went to their house and my grandma made a delicious brunch for us to help celebrate! As Emma's gotten older, she's found different things to play with at my grandparents' house...most recently was the "little pool" they have in their bathroom...when we couldn't find her, we would just go look in the jacuzzi tub and........
there she was!!! The best part of the afternoon was when Emma and Snookie (my grandma, don't ask!) were checking out the air ducts on the floor of the guest room and Snookie told Emma to yell down there to see if anyone was there. Emma was laying on her tummy with her head practically in the vest yelling, "Hellllooooooo down there!!". LOL I went out to the dining room where my mom, dad, sister and Papa were and told them what was going on in the bedroom (Emma was making a lot of noise!) and my dad went down to the basement...the next time Emma yelled, "Hello in there!" my dad banged on the duct from the basement and yelled back, "Hey! Who's up there?" Emma SCREAMED and flew under one of the twin beds in the room...counting in SPANISH! It was like, ", dos, tres, quatro, seis ocho!!!!" While she's hiding under the bed! LOL We laughed so hard we were crying and I swear my grandma was going to have a heart attack!!! :) What an afternoon! Here's a picture of my kids with their great-grandparents!
Hope y'all have a great weekend! :)