Wow!! Where has the week gone?! It seems like yesterday I was just getting ready for my busy weekend ahead of me, and now not only is the weekend over with, but the week is half over with also! To be perfectly honest, I don't even remember what we did on Friday night, but I know Saturday and Sunday were packed with a ton of things!! Emma started swimming lessons at the YWCA on Saturday morning. She LOVED it!! She in the 2.5 foot pool, so she can touch the bottom and according to Tony, it really made a difference...she let Tony help her float on her back (something she was afraid of doing before) and was able to walk around the pool and gain some independence...now if we can only keep her on task with the class instructions!!
Saturday morning I helped celebrate "National Card Making Day" with my Stampin' Up friends and attended a workshop from 10am - 4pm. We made about 25 cards and 2 3-D projects, including a Frankenstein popcorn holder and a candy package that will definitely make its appearance at Christmas time for my colleagues!! Then my mom and I met Tony's parents and the kids at church and we set up the community room for Bradlee's baptism the next day.

Oh...you're seeing that picture right....Emma's taking after her daddy and reading on the potty! I had to get a picture! She's looking at a catalog I got in the mail and finding all the cool things she can ask Santa for. She got a pen and started circling things...I finally told her she could only circle 3 things that she really wanted, and she wanted 10, we settled on 5...I just have to find where she hid the catalogs to see what she circled so I can **maybe** put them on a Christmas list....
Tony was able to announce for the Michigan Invitational Marching Band Tournament on Saturday afternoon...his high school, Flushing, hosts it, so he has been asked to announce for it for several years now. He loves doing it, and I (usually) enjoy going and watching the bands as well...this year I just had too much to do, but I heard I missed a great show!!!

Sunday we had the baptism of Bradlee and Griffin, the son of our friends, Matt & Desiree. It was a great mass and both kids were pretty good..Griffin grinned the whole time, while Bradlee got a little fussy towards the end of the "big" part...Neither of them cried when they were immersed, and, to their parents' disappointment, neither of them peed on Fr. (Uncle) Paul!! Bradlee wore a gown that has been passed down in my family from my great-great grandma...she made it for my great-grandmother, who was born in 1907...so the gown

is 101 years old! Aside from the coloring, it's in fairly good shape, with only a small tear on the bottom. My great-grandmother, grandmother, dad, uncle, aunt, me, my two sisters, my two cousins, and Emma and now Bradlee have worn it. It's pretty cool. Who knows who will wear it next, so it's my job to preserve it until someone else comes along!!
We had a nice celebration afterwards in the community room and enjoyed chicken salad sandwiches, party wieners, cheesy potatoes, meatballs, and cake and punch. It was a long and tiring weekend,

and we would not have made it were it not for our friends and family that helped out so much!!
Emma had "ganaxis" (a.k.a. gymnastics) tonight, so Bradlee and I had some "mommy time" at home...I put him in his bouncy chair and grabbed the camera to try to get some shots of him smiling...something he does fairly frequently now-a-days! What a great one I got, eh??
We're in for another busy Saturday ahead...I'm volunteering at the "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" walk here in Flint and Emma's got swimming again...and then Tony has to DJ that night! If any one's in town Saturday night and wants to hang out, let me know! We'd love the company!!! Have a great (rest of the) week and a great weekend!
P.S. Does anyone know how to post a video on here where it doesn't take FOREVER to load it?? PLEASE let me know! I have a great one of Emma doing some of her "ganaxis"!!!