I can't even believe I made it to 40 weeks....I mean, how many pregnant women actually see 40 weeks when they're on their second kid?! Hmmmm......
So, here's the update...
Saw the doctor yesterday and I am "3..almost 4, wait a minute, I can make this 4.......yep, you're 4 centimenters dialated" (Yes, that's a quote...I LOVE my doctor!). No contractions or pain or anything, and I don't even think Bradlee's dropped yet. They were worried again that he turned breach since they couldn't get his heartbeat low in the abdomen like they should have. Instead, it was high, to the left of my belly button....interesting, eh? When my doctor checked me I believe her exact words were, "That's a head, though. I swear that's a head...or a really funky feeling butt!" LOL Have I mentioned that I LOVE my doctor?!
So I was sent home without making another appointment with the instructions to walk, sit upright and have sex and if there's no baby by Monday morning, I'm to call her and set up an induction for Wednesday or Friday....I'm picking Wednesday because Friday is my sister, Karyn's, birthday, and she's not into this "sharing birthday" thing.... SO.......if nothing happens this weekend or before hand, we will have a baby Bradlee on July 30th, 2008!
I will, of course, keep you posted! Have a great weekend!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
39 Week Update!
Well, even though I didn't have a doctor's appointment this week, due to my doctor being out of town, I will give y'all an update anyways!
The update is that there is no update! No contractions, no discomfort, no unusual things going on that may even hint that Bradlee's getting ready to come....and I may be the only one who is okay with this! I have never had so many comments from people saying, "You must be so uncomfortable!" or "You must be SO ready to have the baby!" HEL-LO?! This being pregnant part is the easy part of the whole thing! Why would I want ot rush Bradlee out when he's not ready to come yet?! I'm still going to work every day and doing things around the house like normal, why should anyone else alter their plans in anticipation?! Tony's still DJ-ing on the weekends like normal...of course, his boss is his backup if I do go into labor when he's out on a job, but still...just normal, everyday plans, still! I figure, Bradlee will come when he wants to...or when my doctor wants him to!!
In other news...my dad had his rotator cuff surgery yesterday and came through with flying colors...apparently there was some more damage than the MRI had showed, so they fixed a little more,but all-in-all, he should be back up on ladders (just not at my house!) soon! He'll have about a month of SEVERE limited mobility in his left arm and probably some physical therapy after t
hat, and then back to "normal" dad. For those of you who don't know what happened...back in February I asked my dad if his extended ladder could reach to the top of our house 'cause we had a piece of siding hanging off. He came over one weekend when Tony was DJ-ing and took it upon himself to get on the ladder (in the snow) and try to fix it. Well, the ladder slide from under him and he fell with it, hitting our grill with his left shoulder on the way down and cutting his cheek below his left eye as well....our backyard looked like a murder scene! Anyways, I took him to the ER and he's had pretty bad pain in his shoulder since...which lead to him seeing an orthopedic surgeon and then leading to this surgery...we tease him about it...especially because when we were sitting in the emergency room, he kept saying things like, "That must have been what Chevy Chase in 'Christmas Vacation' felt like!" LOL Anyways, we're all really happy that thing have turned out okay...and Emma can't wait for him to get better so he can build tents in the living room with her again!

I think that's all the updates for this week....stay tuned for WEEK 40!!! I never saw week 40 with Emma....in fact, I never even saw week 39! Speaking of Emma, here's a picture of her in her photogenic glory!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
38 Week Update
I'm in the clear for at least a week! No dilation at all...in fact I had to get a "mini" ultrasound because Dr. Scott couldn't even feel Bradlee's head! Needless to say, she found his head, it's just higher than it was last week...it's like he knows my doctor is going out of town next week and will do anything to not come out yet! I thought I had a window of opportunity this Friday and Saturday...however, my doctor's twins' birthday party is on Saturday, so she said I'm not allowed to have Bradlee then, either! Geez! :) BUT...it looks like Bradlee's not quite ready to make his appearance in the world yet, so patiently and uncomfortably I wait.....until my next update (which will possibly be before my 40 WEEK appointment in 2 weeks!), Good Night!! :)
Monday, July 7, 2008
37 Week Update
I had my 37 week appointment on Thursday and received some news! Things are still going great...there are apparently two places of dilation...internal and external. The internal dilation is what is usually referred to when someone is in labor...and I'm at a 0 still! The external dilation, however, is completely dilated! This means, according to my doctor, when I go into labor, I better "call quickm, 'cause you gonna go fast!" LOL Other than that, things are looking good...my boss is on vacation this week and my doctor is out of town next week...so pray that if I HAVE to go into labor before my due date (July 25th), it's this Friday after 2pm or Saturday!
We had a nice long weekend...went to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra concert at Greenfield Village on Thursday, spent the day with the family on Friday, hung out with Emma and my parents on Saturday and then (tried to) relax on Sunday! Wish it were 4 days longer!! I have another appointment on Thursday, so stay tuned 'till then!!
We had a nice long weekend...went to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra concert at Greenfield Village on Thursday, spent the day with the family on Friday, hung out with Emma and my parents on Saturday and then (tried to) relax on Sunday! Wish it were 4 days longer!! I have another appointment on Thursday, so stay tuned 'till then!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Personal Space...
I think there is an unwritten, unspoken, unrelenting rule that says when you are pregnant, you are thereby required to release personal information you would not normally release about yourself...case in point:
On Sunday after mass, I was leaving with Tony and Emma and a woman stopped me and asked me if I "had more than one in there". Of course, she found this rather entertaining, as she had a huge smile on her face. I said, "Uh, no...just one!" And she said, "Wow! You must be getting really close, then!" I was thinking, "Yeah, I would have guessed that FIRST!".
Yesterday after work I was going to go grocery shopping. I went through the drive thru of McDonald's for something to drink. Ordered fine, paid fine...and then I got to the "get your food here" window...the woman said (before giving me my small drink), "When are you due?" I told her the date, with my hand out the window, waiting to receive my order. But no, she continues to ask me if it's my first baby, if I know the sex, HOW MUCH WEIGHT I HAVE GAINED, and how excited I must be to know that it's "so close"! All the while, holding my small drink hostage. I could have been mean (or clever, depending on how you look at it) and said something like, "Well, it's really my sister's husband's sister's lover's baby, not mine" to end the conversation...but not me, I guess I'm too nice. So I (fake) smiled, played to her rudeness, FINALLY got my drink and drove off in a huff...geez!
It's not over, though...because I still had to go grocery shopping! I walked into Meijer and went for a cart and the "greeter" said, "Welcome to Meijer! There's a lot of that going around now a days, it makes me afraid to drink the water!" I look at her like, "Huh?" And she reaches out and TOUCHES MY STOMACH and says, "I've seen a lot of pregnant women walking around lately!". I VERY quickly grabbed a cart and moved away. What the heck...just because a woman is pregnant does NOT mean she wants you touching her stomach...seriously. I couldn't even believe it. As I was walking around the store, I was thinking, "Man, if I had thought quickly enough, I would have said something like, 'I'm sorry, I'm not having a baby.'" LOL
So anyways, there's my rant about personal space. I know it won't improve after Bradlee's born...'cause then everyone will be hovering to see him. Maybe they should just come out as toddlers so no one will want to get too close! :) HEHEHE!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! We have some "big" plans...work and DSO (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) concert at Greenfield Village tomorrow (Thursday) night...grilling with the families on Friday, Tony DJ's on Saturday and more relaxing on Sunday! Sounds like a good weekend to me!!
On Sunday after mass, I was leaving with Tony and Emma and a woman stopped me and asked me if I "had more than one in there". Of course, she found this rather entertaining, as she had a huge smile on her face. I said, "Uh, no...just one!" And she said, "Wow! You must be getting really close, then!" I was thinking, "Yeah, I would have guessed that FIRST!".
Yesterday after work I was going to go grocery shopping. I went through the drive thru of McDonald's for something to drink. Ordered fine, paid fine...and then I got to the "get your food here" window...the woman said (before giving me my small drink), "When are you due?" I told her the date, with my hand out the window, waiting to receive my order. But no, she continues to ask me if it's my first baby, if I know the sex, HOW MUCH WEIGHT I HAVE GAINED, and how excited I must be to know that it's "so close"! All the while, holding my small drink hostage. I could have been mean (or clever, depending on how you look at it) and said something like, "Well, it's really my sister's husband's sister's lover's baby, not mine" to end the conversation...but not me, I guess I'm too nice. So I (fake) smiled, played to her rudeness, FINALLY got my drink and drove off in a huff...geez!
It's not over, though...because I still had to go grocery shopping! I walked into Meijer and went for a cart and the "greeter" said, "Welcome to Meijer! There's a lot of that going around now a days, it makes me afraid to drink the water!" I look at her like, "Huh?" And she reaches out and TOUCHES MY STOMACH and says, "I've seen a lot of pregnant women walking around lately!". I VERY quickly grabbed a cart and moved away. What the heck...just because a woman is pregnant does NOT mean she wants you touching her stomach...seriously. I couldn't even believe it. As I was walking around the store, I was thinking, "Man, if I had thought quickly enough, I would have said something like, 'I'm sorry, I'm not having a baby.'" LOL
So anyways, there's my rant about personal space. I know it won't improve after Bradlee's born...'cause then everyone will be hovering to see him. Maybe they should just come out as toddlers so no one will want to get too close! :) HEHEHE!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend! We have some "big" plans...work and DSO (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) concert at Greenfield Village tomorrow (Thursday) night...grilling with the families on Friday, Tony DJ's on Saturday and more relaxing on Sunday! Sounds like a good weekend to me!!
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